Sunday, April 12, 2009

Knit Stitch With Continental Hold

In the first class of Level I, I provide everyone with a "starter kit": a swatch of 20 stitches knit in garter stitch for 10 or so rows. This allows everyone to begin right away with knitting, without having to first tackle casting on and knitting that dreaded first row.

My preferred style is knitting is what is called "Continental" style, or what some people call "picking." We begin by learning how how to hold the yarn in the left hand. I demonstrate the way I do it, but there are several other methods that all seem to work for people. Students are encouraged to try them all to see what seems the best for you.

Here's a video I made that shows the way I hold the yarn and can be used for review. How Judy Holds the Yarn for Knitting

If that doesn't work for you, here's another one.  The knitter in this video doesn't hold the yarn precisely the way I do, but it works. Give it a try if you're having a hard time doing what I demonstrated. How to Knit and Purl Using the Continental Method

And here's an excellent video showing another way to hold the yarn -- as well as a good explanation of making the knit (and purl) stitch. jump to about 1:50 to see another (very common) way to hold the yarn, and a very good rendition of making the knit stitch. Ignore the part about casting on for now.   Another good way to hold + explanation of knit (and purl) stitch

This video presents a comparison between the two styles (Continental and English/American).

1 comment:

  1. Hi All, I have knitted for 65 years the English/American way. I was taught in school during WWII so we could knit squares for afghans for wounded soldiers. Since then I have knitted sweaters, socks, hats, cable, argyle,etc. but nothing in recent years. I decided to learn the Continental syle for three reasons: 1. it is faster; 2. it is easier on my arthritic hands; and 3. it is a part of my brain exercising to re-learn something in a different way to create new brain patterns. Now I am finding that it is also empowering to know that if anyone else can do what at first seemed quite awkward, so can I.
    Try it; you'll like it!
