Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Class Schedule for November and December


Note:  Many students take fundamentals courses more than once, advancing as they go and working on projects that make use of the skills gained.  No classes are exactly the same because they are driven by the needs and progress of the particular group and the questions that are raised.  A discount of approximately 20% is offered for repeats of the same fundamentals course.

Knitting Fundamentals - $80
Six Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:00 pm

Oct. 29, Nov. 5, 12, 26, Dec. 3 and 10
It’s a good idea to begin with this course, even if you have knit before.  While working on an easy project, you will learn how to hold the yarn  “continental style,” as well as how to make knit and purl stitches, cast on and bind off, increase and decrease and begin to read patterns.  You will learn about yarn substitutions, the importance of gauge swatches and explore some repair techniques.  All in a stress-free environment with compatible learners, like yourself.
Crochet Fundamentals – $60
Four Sundays from 5:30 to 7:00 pm
Nov. 3, 10 and 17, Dec. 1

While working on an easy project, you will learn how to hold the yarn and make standard crochet stitches and shapes. You will begin to read patterns and understand when crochet might be preferred over knitting, and see some of the unique things that can be made with crochet.  Depending on the progress of the group, we may move on to work with colors and/or make flowers and more exotic shapes. All in a stress-free environment with compatible learners, like yourself.


 Your Project - $60
 Six Sundays from 3:30 to 5:00 pm
Nov. 3, 10 and 17, Dec. 1, 15 and 22

This is a support class, with no specific teaching curriculum.  Students are expected to have a facility with the concepts taught in the beginning fundamentals course (knit or crochet).
This very popular course is limited to 4 students.* Each student will begin (or continue) a personal project, such as a scarf, hat, sweater, jacket, bag or socks. We will address yarn and needle choices, gauge swatching, pattern modification, trouble shooting, repairs, finishing, blocking, you name it.  Students receive individual help and benefit from the issues raised by others. The course may be repeated as often as desired, to get continuing ideas and help with projects. *A second session will be scheduled, if there is sufficient interest.


Private sessions can be helpful for the absolute beginner who wants individual knitting or crochet instruction and doesn't have the time, or inclination, for a full course. Private sessions are also good for the student at any level who needs some additional help with a technique, is stumped by a pattern or wants to get some new ideas.

 Special offer: If you are new to knitting/crocheting, and don’t have the time for a full six-week class, a good option is to sign up for a three-session “package,” for the reduced fee of $100. These can be scheduded at your convenience and provide you with individual attention, plus help on starting something beautiful.

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